No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us! Your family is always welcome here at TFC.
TCF Children's Ministry is a loving and safe environment where kids get to explore
God's Word at their own level. We teach from a curriculum that is Bible based and is
focused on sharing the Gospel and it is taught by loving, individuals.
TFC offers the community a week long FREE Christ Centered outreach
open to preschoolers ages 4 and up to those who have completed the 6th grade.
Kids enjoy music, fun snacks, interactive bible stories, games & crafts.
Our goal
is to sharpen and challenge
each other to become better disciples of Jesus
so that we can truly glorify God at work, in our marriages, as parents and as we serve in our communities.
The world’s definition of manhood has been distorted, roles of men have been undermined
and confused to the extent that
many men are left wondering,
What it truly means to be a good man and a
Man of God.
Every facet of a man’s life is strengthened and
solidified as he grows in the most important
relationship, with Jesus Christ and learns truly what it means to Love People.
The Bible is full of instructions
on how to become Men who Love God.
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Grades 7th-12th
Our TCF Youth vision is to provide safe, high-quality fun,
Engaging environment and
opportunities for students to:
gospel message of Jesus Christ
Monday nights at 6:30 PM
Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM
Also get together for "W.E." Time which stands for Women's Equipping time
on the 4th Saturday of each month at 10am.
Contact us for more info.
"Love God, Love People, Make Disciples"
5067 Spirit Lake Hwy, Toutle, WA 98649
Phone: 360-967-5411