We strive to provide many different ministries for our congregation and our community.
If you would like more information about a specific ministry, please email the church office at
office@toutle.org or laurie@toutle.org
or call 360-967-5411
We strive to provide many different ministries for our congregation and our community.
If you would like more information about a specific ministry, please email the church office at
office@toutle.org or laurie@toutle.org
or call 360-967-5411
Men’s ministry
The Men meet for Bible Study Sunday nights at 6:30. They also regularly meet for breakfast & fellowship on the first Saturday of each month at 8am. Then they also meet for a little M.E. Time which stands for men's equipping time on the third Saturday of each month at 9am.
Women’s ministry
The Women meet for Bible Study on Monday nights at 6:30 or Tuesday mornings at 9:30. The Women are also getting together for a little W.E. Time which stands for women's equipping time on the fourth Saturday of each month starting at 10am. We also gather several times a year for lunches, brunches & more.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry meets at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays. Kids grades 7th-12th are welcome to attend. Youth group meets to worship and learn about God together through games, fun, friendships, and Bible teaching, where they learn how to dig into and apply what Scripture teaches.
Children’s Ministry
TCF Children's Ministry is a loving and safe environment where kids get to explore God's Word at their own level. We teach from a curriculum that is Bible based and is focused on sharing the Gospel and it is taught by loving, trained individuals.
Vacation bible school
Every summer TCF offers the community this week long FREE Christ Centered outreach open to preschoolers ages 4-5, and children from Kindergarten up to those who have completed the 6th grade.
Kids enjoy music, fun snacks, interactive bible stories, games & crafts.