Here at TCF, what we "do" as a church is based on our understanding of God's purpose for our church in our community. Our Mission is what we believe God has for any church be. Our Vision is what we believe God desires TCF to "look like" in our community as we pursue God's intentions for our family. Our Values are the beliefs and practices we focus on in pursuing the Mission and Vision. For a more in-depth explanation of each, please click here.
Our Mission - Our Mission at Toutle Christian Fellowship is to “Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples.”
Our Vision - We are committed to “Love God, Love People and Make Disciples” by being an avenue of transformation primarily through teaching the Gospel message of salvation, practicing discipleship, and building and sustaining healthy communities in the Toutle River Valley and the world.
Our Values - At Toutle Christian Fellowship, our values are derived from our Mission and Vision, what we believe God has for us to be as a church. Based on this, we are committed to:
•Praise and Worship
•Preaching God’s Word
•Mutual Encouragement and Fellowship
•Leadership and Service Development
•Local and Global Outreach
•Cultural and Generational Relevance
•Community Impact